
Organization of Fishery Producers of Palamós

The Organization of Fishery Producers of Palamós (OPP-91) is an association with its own legal personality and non-profit recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya.

The OPP-91 was born from the will of the shipowners and fishermen of the port of Palamós with the aim of representing and defending the interests and rights of the associated people.

Every year we plan our actions based on the objectives set, such as: promoting the improvement of the commercialization of fishing, promoting the extraction of living marine resources in a responsible, balanced, competitive and sustainable way, as well as improving the conditions of work and life of all those who work at sea.

Recognized by the Government of Catalonia

Opp-91 was born from shipowners and fishermen from Palamós

Improve the working and living conditions of those who work at sea

Fishing in Palamós



Avanza, Bonomar F, Ciriaco, Concha, Estrella del Sur III, Germans Gras, Juan y Virgilio, L’Arjau, L’Havanera, La Puntaire, Mandorri, Manola, Miguel Bertran, Montse, Morena de Montserrat, Nou Gisbert, Nova Gasela, Nuevo Siboney, Oratge, Perla de Palamós, Ramona, Solraig, Tia Cinta.


Alegria Segona, El Bolerico, El Casteller, El Sopalmero, Erasmus Dos, Ferma, Pepita, Gràcia, L’Avi Chici, Llatser, Mari Montse, Ninu III, Nova Ferm XIII, Pubilla, Santi Joan, Tau.


Alegria Segona, El Bolerico, El Casteller, El Sopalmero, Erasmus Dos, Ferma, Pepita, Gràcia, L’Avi Chici, Llatser, Mari Montse, Ninu III, Nova Ferm XIII, Pubilla, Santi Joan, Tau.




Next, you can observe some of the most important species with the highest volume of production that arrive at the market at the Port of Palamós, such as the red prawn.

  • Shrimp

    Aristeus antennatus

    Fishing gear: Trawling

    Consumption season:  All year round

    Closed season: January and February

    Cooking: Simple cooking, either grilled or boiled. It is also used in the preparation of broths, ceviche, carpaccio and quality rice dishes.

  • Norway lobster

    Nephrops norvegicus

    Fishing gear: Trawling. It is fished mainly in spring and summer, at sunrise and sunset.

    Consumption season: All year round

    Cooking: It is highly prized for its flavour. Its flesh is soft and light. It can be grilled, fried with garlic or boiled, to accompany fish sauces, seafood stews, cocktails, soups or rice dishes.

  • Blue whiting

    Micromesistius poutassou

    Fishing method: Trawling

    Consumption season: March to July

    Cooking: The most common way of cooking is battered and fried, but also pickled or baked in the oven. It can be made into croquettes or meatballs.

  • Monkfish

    Lophius piscatorius

    Fishing gear: Trawling, trammel net and bottom longline

    Consumption season:  All year round

    Cooking: It has a very versatile boneless flesh, with only one bone or central cartilage that is easy to remove. It is cooked in stews, casseroles, fried, in seafood rice dishes or cocktails. It is an ideal fish for low-calorie diets.

  • Greater Forkbeard

    Phycis blennoides

    Fishing gear: Trawling and bottom longline

    Consumption season:  All year round

    Cooking: It is a very coveted and tasty fish, with a flesh similar to that of hake, although it is not very firm. It can be stewed, sliced, filleted and fried. It is high in protein and oleic acid.

  • Horse mackerel

    Trachurus Trachurus

    Fishing gear: Seine, trawling and trammel net

    Consumption season: April to October

    Cooking: This is a low-priced fish that can be prepared in several ways, fresh or smoked.

  • Sardine

    Sardina pilchardus

    Fishing gear: Purse seine

    Consumption season: September to June

    Cooking: Grilled, baked, pickled and a wide variety of dishes. Frequently used in Catalan cuisine.

  • Anchovy

    Engraulis encrasicolus

    Fishing gear: Seine fishing and occasionally trawling

    Consumption season: All year round

    Cooking: Anchovies can be consumed fresh and can also be salted and canned. When they are conserved in vinegar they are called “boquerones” in Spain

  • Red mullet

    Mullus surmuletus

    Fishing gear: Trawling and trammel net

    Consumption season: July to November

    Cooking: Its flesh is soft and delicate, very popular with children, it is a winner in casseroles. Smaller specimens can be cooked whole; a good option is to flour and fry them. Alternatively, this fish can be cooked whole in the oven, as the base of a good broth, and it is excellent for making rice dishes.

  • Mediterranean sand eel

    Gymnammodytes cicerelus

    Fishing gear: Sonsera

    Consumption season:  All year round

    Closed season: 15 December to 1 March

    Cooking: It is caught with gear called “sonsera” and is found in markets along the Catalan coast, especially during the summer. The Mediterranean sand eels are usually lightly sprinkled with flour before being fried.

  • John Dory / Gallo de San Pedro / St. Peter’s Fish

    Zeus faber

    Fishing gear: Trawling, trammel net and bottom longline

    Consumption season: June to September

    Cooking: A prized meat; delicious, aromatic and with an excellent texture. Ideal for preparing a good fish stock or for grilling, baking, steaming, frying or boiling.

  • Four spot megrim

    Lepidorhombus boscii

    Fishing gear: Trawling and trammel net

    Consumption season:  It can be found all year round, but the best season is in spring

    Cooking: This fish can be prepared in the same way as the pigeon: roasted, baked with vegetables, with garlic, fried or in stew.


Despite the recent creation of the Palamós Fish Producers Organisation (OPP in its Spanish acronym), we are already working on various associated projects, such as the creation of a fish handling facility and the design of a web-app to digitalise all the information we have.

Fish handling facility

The new OPP will create a fish handling facility in order to produce products for sale. This facility will be built in the port grounds, on a plot of land provided by Ports of Catalonia to the Palamós Fishermen’s Guild. The OPP will manage these facilities by means of a cession of use agreement.

Digitalisation of fishing

The OPP is requesting quotes from various IT technology companies for systems to be implemented across the associated fleet. The OPP is actively participating in the design of the applications. We consider this an indispensable tool for the creation of a database and its subsequent application.


  • The OPP has developed a new product that represents a step forward in fishing sustainability with the recovery of by-products from the sea.

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  • The fishermen of the Palamós Fish Producers’ Organisation (OPP) have taken a step forward in the commercialisation of bluefin tuna caught in their waters by implementing the Japanese IKE JIME fishing method.

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  • On 17 and 18 September, the Palamós Fish Producers’ Organisation (OPP) took part in the Scientific Forum on Spanish Fisheries in the Mediterranean, held in Cartagena.

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