The fishermen of the Palamós Fish Producers’ Organisation (OPP) have taken a step forward in the commercialisation of bluefin tuna caught in their waters by implementing the Japanese IKE JIME fishing method.

This technique, recognised for guaranteeing the highest quality of meat and respecting the welfare of the animal, has been incorporated into the vessels-author-ized for catching tuna, thanks to the installation of new, specialized stunning equipment.

The IKE JIME method ensures a quick and painless death for the animal, improving the quality of the meat and prolonging its shelf life. The tuna are immediately eviscerated and kept on ice, which reduces lactic acid build-up and provides a smoother texture and a pinker colour, the indicators of a top-quality product.

This innovation not only brings an economic benefit to the fishermen of Palamós, as it revalues bluefin tuna in the market, but also reinforces our commitment to continue applying new measures that allow us to offer products of excellent quality while guaranteeing animal welfare and the preservation of marine resources.


Action co-financed by the European Union and the Generalitat de Catalunya.